College Students Vs. Mental Health

Jeff Helsel

Old Main, California University of Pennsylvania, May 2021.

Jordan A. Williams, Staff Writer

As the spring semester comes to a close, some of us will be graduating and embarking on a new adventure, while others will be finishing their first semester. A lot of new things have happened this semester, and some of us have had to adapt to them. However, being a college student and having to meet deadlines can make staying on top of your mental health difficult. How can we maintain our mental health while also being students?

When it comes to health, physical fitness is just as important as mental fitness. According to a new study, 41.6% of college students suffer from anxiety, and 36.4% suffer from depression. Students have experienced various forms of mental health during each semester; remember to take care of yourself while also being a student. Stress, anxiety, and depression are more prevalent among black women and students. How can we maintain our mental health while also being students?

5 Steps to help maintain your mental health

1. Find your joy

Finding your happiness and what motivates you to get up early every day can also help you stay mentally healthy. Scheduling me time or personal time can also help. Whether it’s spending time with friends, going shopping, or discovering a new hobby. Find your happiness and stick to it.

2. Exercise

Working out a couple of times a week will help you release any stress you may be feeling, GET YOUR MIND RIGHT!! Working out helps to sharpen the mind. Go to the gym by yourself or find your workout buddy, start a schedule and HIT THE Gym!!!

3. Less Social Media

Using less social media can also improve your mental health. Looking at your phone and scrolling through Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms can be exhausting and have a negative impact on your mental health. In the world of Generation Z, social media can be both positive and negative, like examining other people’s lives and comparing why this person has this and you have that. Reduce your use of social media in favor of pursuing a new hobby, reading more books, listening to podcasts, or beginning a new project.

4. Less Screen Time

Turning off your phone before and after bed will help you maintain a healthy mindset and a healthier sleep schedule; having your phone open 24/7 before bed can affect your mental health, and sleep deprivation will not help either. Instead, read a book and turn off your phone before going to bed.

5. Journaling / Writing

“Missed a homework assignment” or “didn’t make it to class” due to stress or something that happened that week. Find a notebook and a pen, and write down your thoughts. Keeping all of your unheard emotions in your head can harm your mental health and prevent you from expressing how you feel. Begin a journal, put dates on it, and write about how you are feeling, how you can improve, and so on.