Would a third party better represent Americans?


  Do you know the difference between a Republican and Democrat? There is nothing to sweat if you do not because more than half of Americans feel there is a real need for someone of another party to represent, according to Gallup poll from last year. Here, I’ll give you a number: 58 percent of those who were polled feel a pull for a political third party.

    I sometimes think about a recurring joke between my girlfriend and I about politics. She is a Democrat, but she complains about taxes just about any time I bring something up about politics or her paycheck. “I wish independent parties were more visible,” she sometimes tells me.

    According to the Gallup poll I quoted, my girlfriend is not the only one feels that way. But really, have you ever contemplated the possibility of a more visible third party (or parties) and what that could mean for our country?

    Let us take a look. For the record, I am not slamming any parties or those who hold to those parties. Like people, each party has its faults, quirks and even inconsistencies. Let us go back to the part with Democrats and taxes my girlfriend talked about.

    President Obama often talks about re-building the American middle class. But if you take a look into history, Democrats often believe in tax hikes. You want evidence? Take a look at Pa. Gov. Tom Wolfe’s suggestion for the state budget. You might notice that taxes will go up for quite a few things. Increasing taxes is something that normally scares away Republican voters, as they want taxes and the size of the government to decrease.

     Mind you, the United States has quite a few third parties. But none of them have garnered anywhere near enough traction to get into a public office (unless you are Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, you are an exception).

   According to votesmart.org, we still have the Communist Party, the Socialist Party (Sanders), Green Party, Libertarian Party, Constitution Party, Modern Whig Party, Justice Party, the U.S. Pacifist Party, and interestingly a Jeffersonian Party (in reference to Thomas Jefferson). I have not even heard of some of these until I looked them up, but the point is independent parties definitely exist. There is no doubting that. My opinion is so few votes during election time. The other issue is no branch of the media will cover them.

   If you want to vote for someone, the only really substantial parties that states vote for are the Republicans and the Democrats. That is it.

My opinion is third parties need stronger, louder voices to implement unique change in our country.

    We need change that is not just for the political, self-interest for the Republicans and the Democrats. We need party leaders that are charismatic, educated, consistent, and will fight for their people and their party.

We need a generation who is willing to get educated about the issues. That means you, the reader. We need you to know the names, what they stand for, and to vote for people who will stand up and fight for you, and know how to work with the Congress.

    So, this week’s edition of my opinion implies a bit of action from the reader: watching Dance Moms can take a break. TV has rerun episodes, getting active in our country does not have reruns.