Summer 2020 tutoring options for Cal U Students
May 20, 2020
As the summer session 2020 gets underway, Cal U is offering tutoring options for students who are remote learning and taking courses online due to the coronavirus pandemic.
One option is through Smarthinking, a third party online tutoring company. Available 24 hours per day, seven days per week, students have access to four different types of online tutoring through Smarthinking and may access the service through Cal U’s D2L Brightspace. The infographic describes the step-by-step process in greater detail.

In addition to Smarthinking tutors, Nathan Z, a graduate student in the Cal U Law Program and holder of two IUP bachelor’s degrees, one in journalism and the other in economics, will be available to assist students with writing assignments for any course.
Students in need of writing assistance will be able to request and schedule an appointment with Nathan via the Cal U WCOnline site (
There are two kinds of appointments: one is “online,” a synchronous session in which the tutor and the student meet live in a virtual way, and the other “E-tutoring” session is an asynchronous session in which the student uploads their paper in WCOnline, the tutor retrieves it, works on it, and uploads back the “worked” version with tutor’s comments on the margin.
For more information, contact Dr. Kaddour Boukaabar at [email protected]